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TNFα-Induced Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction Alter Hypothalamic Neurogenesis and Promote Appetite Versus Satiety Neuropeptide Expression in Mice.
Mina Desai, Linsey Stiles, Adriana Torsoni, Marcio Torsoni, Orian Shirihai and Michael Ross
Innovation and dissemination actions
I Neuroscience Tools Course: Immunofluorescence
In partnership with the Dean of Extension and Culture, the Unicamp Extension School and the Faculty of Applied Sciences, we held, from 30/05 to 04/06, the first course on METHODOLOGIES IN NEUROSCIENCE: IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE.
This course covered the discussion of practical protocols and “troubleshooting” on collection and processing of brain tissue and analogues for immunofluorescence analysis on tissue slides.
The theoretical-practical videos that were used during the training are hosted on our Youtube channel for consult!
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